Safety is at the heart of everything we do at Fiji Gas. Year on year, we measure our performance against health safety and environment targets. In the last financial year, Fiji Gas has worked tirelessly to maintain its ZERO TRIFR (total recordable injury frequency rate) and smashed a record of 3436 observations against their target of 3312. Observations increased by 1293 observations against what was achieved in the previous financial year.
Zero TRIFR means that there were no major injuries in the business that caused loss of time and that all Fiji Gas staff worked safe and returned home safely.
Fiji Gas CEO, Hans Reiher said, “Safety is our highest priority and this year has shown that everyone at Fiji Gas understands and place safety as their first priority as well. This year we have achieved an impeccable safety record. No employees were harmed and an unprecedented number of safety observations were generated.”
The safety achievement was recognized with the annual bonus recognitions and certificates to every staff in Fiji Gas thanking them for their dedication and effort in keeping safety at the helm.
Fiji Gas HSE Manager, Niteshwar Sami said, “There is a direct correlation between observations and incidents. We have seen that when our observations are high, incidents are less likely to occur. By reinforcing the benefits of doing observations, we contribute to working safely and help to prevent injuries.”
The company plans to implement other activities throughout the year to continue its education and awareness of safety at work.